How to Keep Mosquitoes Away This Summer

Last Updated: 07/08/2024

Summer brings sunshine, outdoor fun, and unfortunately, mosquitoes. These pesky insects can turn a delightful evening into a scratching session. Here are some effective strategies to keep mosquitoes at bay and enjoy your summer to the fullest.

1. Monitor Mosquito Activity

Before planning outdoor activities, check mosquito activity forecasts. The OFF! website provides useful predictions based on your location, helping you anticipate mosquito hotspots and plan accordingly.

2. Eliminate Standing Water

Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Regularly inspect your yard for water-filled containers like flower pots, bird baths, and clogged gutters. Emptying or cleaning these can significantly reduce the mosquito population around your home.

3. Use Mosquito Repellents

Apply mosquito repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. These ingredients are effective in deterring mosquitoes. Reapply repellent after swimming or sweating to maintain its effectiveness.

4. Wear Protective Clothing

Cover up with long sleeves and pants, especially during dawn and dusk when mosquito activity peaks. Light-colored clothing is less attractive to mosquitoes compared to dark colors.

5. Consider Natural Repellents

Some natural options, such as citronella candles, can help deter mosquitoes. Planting mosquito-repellent plants like lavender, marigolds, and basil around your yard can also be beneficial.

6. Create a Mosquito-Free Zone

Use outdoor fans on patios and decks; mosquitoes are weak fliers and the breeze will keep them away. Installing screens on windows and doors can prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.


With these tips, you can reduce the annoyance of mosquitoes and protect yourself from potential bites. By staying proactive and prepared, you can ensure a more enjoyable and itch-free summer.

Stay safe and enjoy your summer adventures mosquito-free!


CTV News. (2023, July 7). Tips and tricks to keep mosquitoes away this summer. CTV News.

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