HyperHEP B® S/D


Product Overview:

  • Brand Name: HyperHEP B® S/D
  • Type: Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (Human), Solvent/Detergent Treated
  • Form: Injectable solution, ≥220 IU/mL
  • Manufacturer: Grifols Therapeutics Inc.

Indications and Clinical Use:

  • Post-exposure Prophylaxis:
  • Acute Exposure: Used for individuals exposed to hepatitis B virus (HBV) through needlesticks, mucous membrane contact, or oral ingestion involving HBsAg-positive materials.
  • Perinatal Exposure: For infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers, to prevent HBV infection.
  • Sexual Exposure: For sexual partners of HBsAg-positive individuals.
  • Household Exposure: For infants under 12 months exposed to primary caregivers with acute HBV infection.
  • Combination Therapy: Recommended to be used in conjunction with the hepatitis B vaccine for both short- and long-term protection.

Dosage and Administration:

  • Acute Exposure to Blood Containing HBsAg: Administer 0.06 mL/kg intramuscularly as soon as possible after exposure, ideally within 48 hours.
  • Perinatal Exposure: Administer 0.5 mL intramuscularly to the newborn within 12 hours of birth.
  • Sexual Exposure: Administer a single dose of 0.06 mL/kg intramuscularly within 14 days of the last sexual contact.
  • Household Exposure: Administer 0.5 mL intramuscularly for infants.


  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the product.
  • Severe thrombocytopenia or coagulation disorders that contraindicate intramuscular injections unless benefits outweigh risks.

Warnings and Precautions:

  • General: Not to be administered intravenously. Products made from human plasma may contain infectious agents. Discuss risks and benefits with patients before administering.
  • Hypersensitivity: Caution in patients with a history of allergic reactions to immune globulin preparations. Epinephrine should be available.
  • Special Populations:
  • Pregnant Women: Administer only if clearly needed.
  • Pediatrics: Safety and effectiveness in infants up to 12 months are established.

Adverse Reactions:

  • Common Reactions: Local pain and tenderness at the injection site.
  • Less Common Reactions: Urticaria, angioedema, and rare anaphylactic reactions.

Drug Interactions:

  • Live Viral Vaccines: May interfere with live viral vaccines other than measles. Administer vaccines 3 months after HyperHEP B® S/D.
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: Can be administered concurrently but at different sites.

Storage and Stability:

  • Store at 2-8°C. Do not freeze. Use before the expiration date. Once opened, discard any unused contents.

Mechanism of Action:

  • Provides passive immunization by supplying antibodies against HBV, reducing the attack rate of hepatitis B following exposure.


  • Detectable passive antibody titers appear within 24 hours post-injection and persist for up to 21 days. The half-life ranges from 17.5 to 25 days.

Consumer Information:

  • Usage: Prevents hepatitis B infection after exposure through blood, sexual contact, or perinatal transmission.
  • Administration: Intramuscular injection by healthcare professionals.
  • Storage: Store in the refrigerator, do not freeze, and discard any unused portions after opening.
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Written By Paul Kim

Medical Director - APN, NSWOC, RNP

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