Hepatitis A (HA): An infection that often causes clinical hepatitis in adults and older children. Younger children may experience a febrile illness without jaundice or be asymptomatic.
Vaccine Effectiveness: Pre-exposure HA immunization is 90%-97% effective.
Adverse Reactions: Generally mild and transient, including soreness and redness at the injection site.
Recommendations for Use
Pre-Exposure Immunization: Recommended for individuals at increased risk of infection or severe HA, including:
Travellers to HA-endemic countries
Individuals with chronic liver disease
Men who have sex with men (MSM)
Individuals who use injectable/non-injectable substances
Certain workers (military, humanitarian, researchers handling HA virus)
Household contacts of adopted children from HA-endemic countries
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis: Should be offered to susceptible household and close contacts of infected individuals, including contacts in child care centers and co-workers/clients of infected food handlers.
Vaccination Schedule
Primary Immunization: One dose of monovalent HA vaccine, followed by a booster dose 6-36 months later, depending on the product.
Combined HA and HB Vaccine (HAHB): Preferable for those needing protection against both hepatitis A and B.