
Product Information

  • Name: PEDIACEL®
  • Type: Combined diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed, inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine, and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (tetanus protein-conjugate)
  • Form: Suspension for injection
  • Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur Limited

Indications and Clinical Use

  • Primary Immunization: For infants from the age of 2 months and children up to 6 years of age (before their 7th birthday) against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, and invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease.
  • Not Indicated For: Persons less than 2 months or 7 years and older.


  • Hypersensitivity: Known systemic hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine or life-threatening reaction after previous administration.
  • Neurological Disorders: Encephalopathy within 7 days of a previous dose of a pertussis-containing vaccine not attributable to another identifiable cause, progressive neurological disorder, including infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, progressive encephalopathy.

Warnings and Precautions

  • General: Health-care providers should inform the parent/guardian about benefits and risks, inquire about recent health status, and review immunization history and possible hypersensitivity.
  • Injection Site: Do not administer intravascularly or intradermally. Intramuscular injection preferred.
  • Acute Illness: Vaccination should be postponed in cases of acute or febrile disease.
  • Hematologic: Caution in persons with bleeding disorders or on anticoagulant therapy.
  • Immune Response: May be suboptimal in immunosuppressed individuals.
  • Neurologic: Monitor individuals with a history of convulsions; antipyretic administration may be necessary to reduce post-vaccination fever.

Adverse Reactions

  • Common: Injection site reactions (redness, swelling, tenderness), fever, irritability, abnormal crying, sleepiness, loss of appetite.
  • Severe: Rare cases of anaphylaxis, extensive limb swelling, convulsions, hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHE), high fever.

Drug Interactions

  • Concomitant Vaccines: Can be administered with other vaccines using separate syringes and sites.
  • Immunosuppressive Treatments: May interfere with the immune response.

Dosage and Administration

  • Primary Immunization Schedule:
    • 4 doses of 0.5 mL at 2, 4, 6, and 18 months of age.
    • Administer intramuscularly, preferably in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh for infants and the deltoid muscle for older children.
  • Booster Doses: Booster with a vaccine containing diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, with or without IPV is required at 4 to 6 years of age.
  • Administration: Shake well before use, inspect for particulate matter, and do not use if discolored.

Storage and Stability

  • Storage: Store at 2° to 8°C, do not freeze. Protect from light. Stable at temperatures above 8°C and up to 25°C for a maximum of 3 days.

Clinical Trials and Efficacy

  • Efficacy: High efficacy in preventing diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, and Hib disease, demonstrated in multiple clinical trials.
  • Immunogenicity: High seroprotection rates for all vaccine antigens after the primary series and booster doses.
  • Safety: Generally well-tolerated with mild to moderate adverse reactions. Severe reactions are rare.
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