

Product Information

  • Name: HyperTET®
  • Type: Tetanus Immunoglobulin (Human)
  • Form: Solution for Intramuscular Injection, 250 antitoxin units (AU) pre-filled syringes
  • Manufacturer: Grifols Therapeutics LLC
  • Imported and Distributed by: Grifols Canada Ltd.


  • Prophylaxis: Against tetanus following injury in patients with incomplete or uncertain immunization.
  • Treatment: Limited evidence for use in treating active cases of tetanus.


  • Hypersensitivity: Anaphylactic or severe systemic reactions to immunoglobulin (Human) or any ingredient in the formulation.
  • Conditions: Severe thrombocytopenia or any coagulation disorder contraindicating intramuscular injections. IgA deficient patients with antibodies against IgA and a history of hypersensitivity.

Serious Warnings and Precautions

  • Administration: For intramuscular injection only; do not give intravenously.
  • Infectious Agents: Products made from human plasma may contain infectious agents like viruses.

Dosage and Administration

  • Dosing Considerations: For intramuscular injection only.
  • Prophylactic Dose: 250 units by deep intramuscular injection for both adult and pediatric patients.
  • Wound Management: Use in conjunction with tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine based on wound severity and patient's immunization history.
  • Active Tetanus Treatment: Immediate implementation of standard therapy including HyperTET® with dosage adjusted according to infection severity.

Administration Instructions

  • Inspect visually for particulate matter and discoloration.
  • Administer intramuscularly in the anterolateral aspects of the upper thigh or deltoid muscle; avoid the gluteal region to prevent sciatic nerve injury.
  • Use UltraSafe® needle guard for safety and proper disposal.


  • No specific data available; potential manifestations include pain and tenderness at the injection site.

Adverse Reactions

  • Common: Slight soreness at the injection site, slight temperature elevation, rash, and pruritus.
  • Severe: Rare occurrences of angioneurotic edema, nephrotic syndrome, and anaphylactic shock.

Drug Interactions

  • Vaccine Interference: Antibodies may interfere with live viral vaccines like measles, mumps, polio, and rubella; defer these vaccines until 3 months post-administration.

Clinical Pharmacology

  • Mechanism of Action: Supplies passive immunity by neutralizing the tetanus toxin.
  • Pharmacokinetics: Peak blood levels of IgG obtained approximately 2 days after injection, with a half-life of approximately 23 days.

Storage, Stability, and Disposal

  • Store at 2°C to 8°C, do not freeze. Discard unused portions.

Patient Medication Information

  • Usage: Prevents tetanus in people exposed to the bacteria from injury or wound and may treat active tetanus.
  • Ingredients: Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin and Glycine.
  • Side Effects: Pain or soreness at the injection site, slight fever, rash, itching, and rare cases of anaphylaxis.
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